11 May 2019
Haydn: String Quartet in B-flat major, Op.50 no.1
Ligeti: String Quartet no.1
Beethoven: Quartet in C sharp minor, Op.131
The Marmen Quartet delighted the audience at St Peter’s in 2018, so we have invited them back to start the 2019 season. The Quartet was formed at the Royal College of Music in 2013, and has rapidly established a reputation as one of the most impressive young ensembles, winning awards including the 2018 Royal Overseas League competition.
They continue their exploration of the great late quartets of Beethoven with a work of depth, scope, originality, and organic unity, which Beethoven himself regarded as his finest quartet. This is coupled with one of Haydn’s set of six quartets dedicated to King Frederick William II of Prussia, a keen amateur cellist, and Ligeti’s quartet no. 1 ‘Métamorphoses nocturnes’, inspired by the string quartets of Bartók.