Ticket information

Once you have bought a Season ticket go to the Concerts page to reserve seats. Make sure you complete all stages and finish on ‘Continue’ to complete the process.
2024 Season ticket (single)
120£Valid for 8 months- Tickets to all 9 concerts in 2024
2024 Season ticket (double)
240£Valid for 8 months- Tickets to all 9 concerts in 2024
2024 Season ticket & programme (single)
140£Valid for 8 months- Tickets to all 9 concerts in 2024
- One pre-paid programme at each event
2024 Season ticket & programme (double)
260£Valid for 8 months- Tickets to all 9 concerts in 2024
- One pre-paid programme at each event
Tickets are available, including a season ticket for all nine concerts
from noon on 21 February for Friends of WCM (see here for more about Friends)
from noon on 15 March for the general public
A standard individual ticket price is £20. However, a season ticket can be purchased to cover all 9 concerts in the 2024 season, at a cost of £120 – a saving of 33%. This year you can also save time on the night by pre-purchasing an event programme with your season ticket.
We offer free admission to all concerts for those aged under 25 years of age. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Buying tickets
This is all done on our site. See details below.
Friends will be able to buy season tickets (or individual concerts) and choose seats before they are open to the general public. Find out more about being a Friend here.
Login in and purchase a season ticket. Then go to the 'Concerts' page and choose seats for each event. Remain signed in so you are not charged as you select your seats. If you return to your login you will find a record of the concerts and seats you have selected. You will receive confirmation of booking with tickets straight away, and reminders a few days before the event. You can buy a season ticket with pre-paid concert programmes to save time at the event.
Choose a concert and proceed through the booking. Each concert will be a single transaction. You will receive confirmation of booking with tickets straight away, and reminders a few days before the event.
If you are 15–25, select the concert you would like to attend. Proceed through the booking and use the code U252024. On the door, you might be asked to show a valid form of ID - make sure you bring it with you. This could be a driver's licence, or a School, College or University card. Free tickets are supported by the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust. You will receive confirmation of booking with ticket straight away, and reminders a few days before the event. (Under 15s must be accompanied by an adult, who can add the same code when booking for them to join you.)
Doors open at 7:30pm. Tickets are on sale, subject to availability, and can be purchased in person using either
Contactless (only) debit or credit card
The venue is fully accessible for wheelchair users. Please 'Contact us' if you are a wheelchair user so we can remove a chair ready for you to enjoy the concert.
There are two ways you could achieve this.
Instead of each of you buying a single ticket via the website, one customer buys two tickets, and you settle up between yourselves.
Sit down together, or over the phone. One customer books their ticket(s), and as soon as they have selected their seat, the other customer selects the seat(s) right next to them. As long as you do this immediately, there shouldn’t be a problem.
Whilst there is no obligation to do so, and we do not refund tickets unless in exceptional circumstances (per the Terms and Conditions), we do appreciate being updated if you aren’t able to attend a concert. Especially if your seat is in the front row, it is off-putting for the performers to have visible spaces and frustrating for those patrons who have to sit near the back. We can divert customers who pay at the door to fill these seats.
Contact us and we will deselect your booked seats. This will create a credit in your basket. Then, when you log in and select a new location together with your guests’ seats, you will only need to pay for their tickets.
You should first arrange payment into our bank account, either by transfer or by cheque. Once we have your payment, contact Jules on 07551 482678 to advise her which concert(s) you wish to attend. She will book your seats and post your tickets to you.
Yes, you can, but as we will need to allocate the seating, the very first time you visit us, we will set up an account linked to your email address. This will only take a minute, and will then be in place for any future purchases you make, either on the door or online. You can then pay by contactless card, or cash.
Seat reservation
New for 2024. Once you have purchased your Season ticket go to the Concerts page and select seats for each concert you are attending. You will find all your chosen seats for each event in your account (log in top right).